Registrant Information Number
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Registrant Information Number (RIN)
A Registrant Information Number (RIN) in Ontario is a unique 9-digit identifier assigned to individuals or organizations registered with the Ministry of Transportation (MTO).
It is primarily used for vehicle registration and licensing purposes. The RIN ensures that vehicle ownership, driving records, and related transactions are accurately linked to the correct individual or business.
A RIN may be required when purchasing or transferring a vehicle, registering for a driver's license, or conducting other transportation-related services. The RIN is tied to personal information, so it helps streamline administrative processes and ensure accuracy in records.
Individuals can obtain a RIN through Service Ontario offices or through authorized automotive dealers when registering a vehicle.
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Instructions to get your RIN letter notarized
1. Complete your RIN letter in the pre-approved format of Service Ontario
2. Bring your proof of Business ownership, Articles of Incorporation, Master Business License, or any other documents that show that you have the signing authority to sign on behalf of the corporation.
3. The authorized person must sign before the notary public after presenting a valid photo ID.
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